Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Copa FAR de rugby

El domingo pasado la seleccion femenina de rugby de la UMA se colo en las finales de la copa FAR frente al Granada despues de una autentica batalla campal con los medicos haciendo horas extra. Aunque la final promete ser mas relajada, se admiten animadores/as ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A visit to Bremen

I had the chance to visit the Robotic Laboratory at Bremen University recently. First, I met the famous autonomous wheelchair Rolland, which was quite useful, but not as impressive as the legged robots!

The scorpio robot seems to be used for rough terrain walking, apparently a very military application. It could even climb some obstacles and they had manufactured every piece. I've added a videoclip in my web that I captured there.

Most work at Bremen is carried out by PhD students paid with grants. The Robotics Department is a great place to apply for if mechatronics is your area.